The weather is starting to get warm, “so you know summer time is not too far around the corner. Now is the time to get fit and be ready to show off that body.” This is a typical commercial leading up to summer time. So the question I ask is do everyone (men and women) care about their body image. Well I’m here to tell you, everyone is who is single and without a mate (widow don’t count) cares about their body image. For example, when it is near summer time, that’s when everyone want to attend the gym, so when their outside on those sunny days they can show skin and not feel self conscience. On the other hand, so why would you pay millions of dollars to get plastic surgery? On that note the, “nationwide trend that has boosted cosmetic procedures 50 percent since 1992. More than 1 million procedures were performed in 1998 alone, according to a survey by the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.” Many people are concern of the body image because they try to surgically change their bodies. For instance they try to get the stomachs, breasts, etc. Now those who are married or engaged don’t have as much concerned of the body image, because I am assuming their mate love them the way they are. So there isn’t really no point of worrying about their body image. For example, just recently I was with my older brother who is married. I was joking around with and I told him that “he need to lose some weight, because he getting fat.”
He replied “why should I, who do I have to impress. I am married to the most beautiful lady ever.”
I was speechless because he had a great point, and what he said was true, Why care? All in all, everyone who is not married (men and women) is concern about their body image.