I can remember when I was young and whatever I seen on TV. I would go back and try to imitate what I just seen. It could be anything from seen Michael Jordan free throw line slam dunk, to seeing the dance moves on a new video. So does watching sex on television influence teens' sexual activity? Yes absolutely. Television has a huge influence on the decision young teens make. So when they see the new Beyonce video with half of clothes and the way she is dancing with a guy in her video, young people see that as the new style and thinks it is cool. For instance, in my senior of high school, there was a “Talent Show.” There was a group of girls, who were performing a song from Rihanna. A minute into the performance even start performed they were disqualified because they were wearing a piece of thread (no clothes). This was in response to the music video, they were influenced by the video, and tried to imitate with seen. However, the more television companies continue to show the highly sexual content music video, shows and movie, the more teens will follow up on what is being shown. Also a side note, some of the words that comes out mouth of famous singers and rappers influence teens sexuality. For example, I hear some artist say terms such as: “doggy style,” “missionary.” When teens hear this there response will be, “hey that sound cool, I want to see if so” now are they influenced?
Monday, April 18, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Why Hate Immigration?
Immigration has become a complex and controversial issue in the United States, because our economy has plunged straight to ground. The American people feel that the immigrant from other countries has come and took their jobs. So instead of an American citizen working instead it’s an immigrant who took their spot. But here is my thing many Americans don’t realize the opportunity that they have in being in this Country, and they don’t take advantage of the opportunity. Now in other countries they don’t have as much opportunity, so when they get to the U.S that take advantage of every opportunity. When Americans realize what they lost, it is already too late. For instance, I am a student a Florida Gulf Coast University and all my math and science courses thus far, has been taught by a foreigners. One was from Spain, Russian and German, no Americans. Also I realize that living in other countries you do not have a chance to get a good education, so once they get to America, and see how much opportunity they have they waste no time to jump on it. This is why outsiders value education than the American people. If the American people want to do something about immigration they need get off their hinny and get to work and take advantage of what they have before some else do.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
I am sorry that I am not a good "Test Taker" :(
It was my senior of High School and it was getting close to graduation and I was still not accepted into any Universities. I was currently a holding a 4.2 grade point average, over 150 hours of service learning and was involved with a lot sports and clubs. Now those sounds like a great candidate for many schools, but there was just one problem. I was not a good test taker. No matter I much time I put in studying for a test, I just never did well. This being the case standardized test scores should not be used as a measure to determine how much funding schools receive. This will be a stupid idea, because there are millions of people in the world who just are not good test taker. But does this mean that they are ignorant? No. For example, myself was later accepted to Florida Gulf Coast University, but I didn’t score the highest on the “ACT” but I had finish my first semester of college with an “A” average. This goes to show you that just because he do not score well on standardize exams it does not mean that illiterate. If school was to get measured on how they did as a whole on standardize test to determine their funding many school would be broke. Whoever has the call on this decision should make school funding decision based on population and how many students that will be attending need financial needs. Not by a stupid paper and number two pencil.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
How Really Cares about their Body Image?
The weather is starting to get warm, “so you know summer time is not too far around the corner. Now is the time to get fit and be ready to show off that body.” This is a typical commercial leading up to summer time. So the question I ask is do everyone (men and women) care about their body image. Well I’m here to tell you, everyone is who is single and without a mate (widow don’t count) cares about their body image. For example, when it is near summer time, that’s when everyone want to attend the gym, so when their outside on those sunny days they can show skin and not feel self conscience. On the other hand, so why would you pay millions of dollars to get plastic surgery? On that note the, “nationwide trend that has boosted cosmetic procedures 50 percent since 1992. More than 1 million procedures were performed in 1998 alone, according to a survey by the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.” Many people are concern of the body image because they try to surgically change their bodies. For instance they try to get the stomachs, breasts, etc. Now those who are married or engaged don’t have as much concerned of the body image, because I am assuming their mate love them the way they are. So there isn’t really no point of worrying about their body image. For example, just recently I was with my older brother who is married. I was joking around with and I told him that “he need to lose some weight, because he getting fat.”
He replied “why should I, who do I have to impress. I am married to the most beautiful lady ever.”
I was speechless because he had a great point, and what he said was true, Why care? All in all, everyone who is not married (men and women) is concern about their body image.
Monday, February 14, 2011
The Human Voice
Monday, February 7, 2011
Can You Tell the Differences?
How can we stop counterfeit selling from online websites, especially sports jerseys? This has to stop one way or another, because millions of people uses the web to do there shopping. This type of shopping is huge during huge events such as the “Super Bowl”. According to National Public Radio they “estimated 800,000 counterfeit jerseys are sold online each year.” Lets multiple that to an average team jersey that cost 80 dollars, that’s roughly around 65 million dollars that is stolen each year. The hard thing to believe is that it is being done by some of the most popular online shopping websites such “EBay”. Nation Public Radio infers that “there are probably 500,000 fake jerseys floating on eBay right now”. I even go on EBay to buy all sorts of things.
This problem can be solved a couple different ways. First, all sports to team should make symbol that stand out and cannot be duplicated, unless it is made from their league. For example, the logo can be copied and you wouldn’t be able to tell the differences, from a counterfeit and an authentic jersey. Instead they should make the logo with a certain material that react a certain way in water. Another solution is that the government should have computer scientist, create software’s that detects counterfeit websites. Last but not least, to all online shoppers if you see a price that is hard believe online, such 20$ for a jersey it is fake and don’t buy it, or you will get your money worth. Counterfeit websites should be observe, and the person who us running the website should be caught and taken to jail.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Blog#2 "Supersize Your Child"
There is a mathematic rule that states “what you do to one side you must do to the other side”. Well in the essay “Supersize Your Child” Richard Hayes states “Scientists began predicting that someday we’d be able to genetically engineer our children” (pg85). He argues that if we change the genes of our future generation, then we are changing life itself. In 1859 Charles Darwin came up with a theory of how earth evolves called “Natural Selection”. Now Biologist has used this for several years, to comprehend how living things are produce. So therefore by creating this type of technology to create our children we are throwing away all the science that was ever invented (such as Natural Selection).
As a child, I grew up in a household, where nothing was just handed to you. You yourself had to earn what you wanted. So to me creating a human that is un-Godly, is insulting to me, because I work hard to get to where I need to be and then for someone who will never have to sacrifice a day in their life just get life handed to them. It is similar to playing someone in a sports video game and they have created players (their best player of all time) and you just have the normal players. How would you feel? On that note I am staying on Hayes side. No one was created perfect and it should stay that way (you have to learn from your mistakes remember).
In my opinion we need to let life be itself and that means letting it evolve. There is no need to let “humanity take control of its own evolution and kick it into overdrive” (pg85). So just let the earth keep spinning around the sun. I know this issue will continue in the world and there is going to be scientist out their continuously experimenting to make this possible. Well they need to stop and go do experiments to cure cancer for those who aren’t perfect.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
College Football needs Help
Have you ever thought why, most of the major sports have a Playoff System except, "College football" (BCS). Well the bowl system they have in place now is pathetic. Basically the number one seed and the number two seed automatically go to the “BCS National Championship” game. How stupid? Think about how many teams that barely makes the playoff end up going all the way and winning the championship. For example, the Super Bowl XLII champions “New York Giants” barely made the playoff but beat the number one seed in the NFC, then went on to beat the so-called “best team in the league” New England Patriots in the Super Bowl. See the top seed doesn’t always win the Championship. So by being number one and two seed automatically in the Championship game is asinine. Here is one for you; how come the basketball side of the Division 1 college sports has an “NCAA Tournament”, at the end of the season to decide what two teams goes to the championship game. So to resolve this problem the Playoff system, will make life for us “fans” less stressful, and it will make the teams compete more; since they will know that every game count. I agree with Dan Wetzel (Playoff System ) starting with the top sixteen teams, and work its way down to championship game. Now the Bowl Games can come in handy for all the teams that didn’t make the “playoffs”, giving them a chance to play (Similar to a NIT in College Basketball). All in all, College Football needs to implement a “Playoff System” as soon as possible; instead of the “Bowl Games”.
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